Places of Safety and Section 136 MHA

Places of Safety and considerations in the absence of a legal framework  Open to all staff, although the target audience are POS staff and AMHPS.  Especially focuses on when the s136 has expired and what legal frameworks are available until the patient is detained under the MHA. Target Audience: All clinical and medical staff

Very Brief Advice Plus (Smoking) – Full Day

Enhanced very brief advice training covering very brief advice, strategies for engaging with service users, NRT, pharmacotherapy and vapes.    Target Audience: Smokefree Champions and Ambassadors

Section 117 Aftercare – Half Day Course

A half-day course which has been developed for all clinical and medical staff. The course will cover all aspects of s117, including recent case-law and the relationship to the Care Act 2014. The course is non-mandatory. Target Audience: All clinical and medical staff

Writing Reports for the Tribunal and Courts

A half-day course which has been developed for all clinical and medical staff who are involved in writing statutory reports for the Mental Health Tribunal, Hospital Managers and the Courts… The course is non-mandatory. Target Audience: All clinical and medical staff

General Mental Health Act

General MHA, particularly focusing on Consent to Treatment and Barring Orders Target Audience: All clinical and medical staff

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