Becoming a Parent and the Effect on Mental Health

Mental Health

“Starting a family is a milestone in many people’s lives. It can also be a stressful time and many parents experience mental ill health. The most common mental health problems experienced during pregnancy and after birth are anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), however some women can experience more severe symptoms such as postpartum […]

Deaf Awareness Training

Mental Health

There are approximately 8.7 million people in the UK with a hearing loss, which is approximately 1 in 7 people, so the likelihood of you meeting a deaf or hard of hearing person in your workplace or local community is high.

Gender and Sexual Identity

Mental Health

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, and people of other minorities, like anyone, will experience mental health challenges and distress during their lifetime. However, the evidence both from the UK and internationally highlights increased levels of common mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety and stress among people from these groups.

Living Well with Dementia

Mental Health

Dementia is caused by a number of diseases that affect the brain. The most common is Alzheimer’s but there are many different types of dementia, which affect the brain at different rates and in different ways.

Raising Awareness of Autistic Spectrum Condition

Mental Health

“Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that affects how a person communicates with, and relates to other people. It also affects how they make sense of the world around them. It is a spectrum condition, which means that, while all people with autism share certain difficulties, their condition will affect them in different ways.” (National […]

Understanding & Managing Addiction & Dual Diagnosis

Mental Health

This interactive day will explore the experiences of people living with an addiction or a dual diagnosis and those of people close to them. We will also look at how recovery comes about and is sustained.

Understanding & Managing Bipolar Disorder

Mental Health

“People who have bipolar disorder experience extreme swings in mood – from periods of overactive, excited behaviour – known as ‘mania’ or ‘manic episodes’ – to deep depression. Between these severe highs and lows, people may have stable times.” (Mind)

Raising Awareness Around Eating Disorders

Mental Health

“Eating disorders aren’t just about food and eating. They are about difficult problems and painful feelings, which you may be finding hard to express, face or resolve. Focusing on food is a way of disguising these problems, even from yourself.” (Mind)

Understanding & Managing Hearing Voices

Mental Health

Hearing a voice when no-one is present with you, or which other people with you cannot hear, is considered to be a hallucination. This does not make it abnormal it’s just a word for a perception you may have that is not shared by those around you. You may also see things that others cant […]

Understanding & Managing OCD

Mental Health

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterised by frequent unwanted, uninvited and intrusive thoughts, images, urges, impulses and doubts which cause marked and significant distress. They are accompanied by compulsive and ritualistic behaviours which act to reduce the distress.

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